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Buy Now. Pay Later. Huge tax savings.

  • Split your work-based purchases across 

    3 or 6 months deducted fortnightly.
  • Reduce your income tax liabilities.
  • Save with our partner Harvey Norman.
How does it work?

What would you like to buy?

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Your fortnightly payment is $111.27 making the cost of purchase $1,446.53
You save
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Please note: You will be taken to Harvey Norman to apply

How Easi Salary Works


Add 'personal electronics'

to your salary package

Let us know and we'll arrange this with your employer to deduct payments from your pre-tax salary, saving you heaps.

Choose your tech from

Harvey Norman

Pick out a new laptop, smartphone, or smart watch; any tech that could be claimed as a relevant work expense. Fill in the salary packaging form in store.

Pay with your pre-tax

salary and save

Your purchases will be spread across the nominated fortnight plan and you could reduce your tax liability.
Apply now

Latest tech.

Less tax.

Easi Salary is like shopping duty free without needing to go near an airport or self quarantining.

Upgrade your home office without relying on the credit card.
 Enjoy the potential to reduce your income tax liability.
 You own the equipment once all payments are made.

Picture of a person's hand holding their phone

Are you an employer?

Add Easi to your employee benefits at no cost. Letting employees access salary packaging costs businesses nothing and can be set up fast with your HR or accounting department.

Find out more
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Get approval now

If personal electronic Salary Packaging is set up with your employer, you could be enjoying your new tech within 24 hours.

Apply now